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HAMK Talents

Hey talented students, HAMK Talents!

Are you looking for work, training or thesis opportunities? Do you want to build up connections with companies?

To find your very first connection to companies and the Finnish labour market you have to be active and get connected via different platforms and services.

At HAMK we have an internal recruiting platform Tiitus and Yammer info channels. On this page, we provide further information on how to get connected to these HAMK internal tools.

But first of all, just check out available opportunities in Tiitus Open Job Market here. 

Note: The language of the platform by default is in Finnish. You can change the language by going to setting, which is located at the job market webpage´s menu. In order to view all the vacancies, you need to choose All, TE-palvelut, HAMK Talents and Tiitus as sources. You can also choose only those sources where you want to view the vacancies from.

Tiitus recruitment channel

HAMK uses Tiitus as an internal recruitment platform. Tiitus is a platform where you can connect with companies and have direct link to the labour market. Go to Job Market.

The platform provides you with work, training and thesis opportunities. It is a growing network which focuses on offering opportunities to HAMK students. You can show all your skills, talents and experiences to companies via the platform. Therefore, it is in nature a networking platform.

If you are just browsing through the work or thesis opportunities in the Job Market, login is not required. But if you want to apply for a position or send an open application to companies, then you are required to create an account and complete your profile. (See instructions on how to create a profile below).

You can find some user guides on how to use Tiitus recruitment platform below:

Creating a student profile (Browser)

Creating a student profile (Mobile)

Applying for internships and jobs (Broswer)

Applying for internships and jobs (Mobile)

Sending an open application (Browser)

Sending an open application (Mobile)

Other networking platforms such as LinkedIn offer a big variety of opportunities for you to network and connect with the communities of your own fields. There are also numerous open positions that you can apply. Depending on your needs and the phases of your studies, different platforms can be of different use to help you achieve your career goals. Compared to other recruitment and networking platforms, Tiitus is more focused on offering opportunities to HAMK´s students. Companies that are registered in Tiitus are interested in hiring student talents from HAMK. That being said, you are highly recommended to use more than just one platform for job seeking and networking.

Find companies from your field

If you are looking for connections with companies, our registered partner companies are the ones to start with. See the list of partner companies here:

You can search for companies of your own field by filtering industry.

  • Smart Organic Farming
    • Natural sciences and agriculture and forestry
  • Sustainable Forest Management
    • Natural sciences and agriculture and forestry
    • Environment
  • Information, Communication and Technology, Bioeconomy
    • Technology and industry
  • International Business
    • Marketing and Communication
    • Administration, finance and personnel
    • Sales and customer service
    • Purchases
  • Electrical and Automation Engineering
    • Technology and industry
  • Mechanical Engineering
    • Technology and industry
  • Computer Applications
    • IT and software development
    • Technology and industry
  • Smart and Sustainable Design
    • Architecture and Design as industry
  • Construction Engineering
    • Construction, maintenance and installation
    • Technology and industry

Besides, you can also choose other industries that you are interested in working in or have had experience in. Please note that you can choose only one industry at a time.

HAMK Mentoring Services

HAMK Talent Boost offers mentoring services for international degree students. Mentoring is an holistic approach we use to promote foreign students´ integration and career development. The services target at three areas:

  • Support network and services
  • Work and career
  • Finnish language and everyday life

We provide individualised support and guidance in the three areas mentioned above. You can book mentoring sessions directly with Talent Boost Mentors and talk about your career goals with the mentors. Mentors will then provide you with tools, information or resources, which will help you advance further in achieving your goals.

Check out more about HAMK Talent Boost and HAMK Mentoring Services here.

Going International?  

Training abroad? Read more about work assesment page.

Find job opportunities in Europe: EURES job portal

More information

For more information about recruitment of HAMK Talents or work opportunities for HAMK Talents, please contact Qingyang directly.