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Häme University of Applied Sciences

Häme University of Applied Sciences has been a limited company since 1 January 2015. It is owned by the cities of Forssa, Hämeenlinna, Riihimäki and Valkeakoski and the municipalities of Hattula and Tammela.

Schools and Research Units

HAMK’s activities are organised within schools and research units, which are supported by shared services.


  • School of Biotechnology and Natural Resources
  • School of Business, Design and Technology
  • School of Professional Teacher Education
  • School of Health and Social Services

Research Units

  • HAMK Bio
  • HAMK Edu
  • HAMK Smart
  • HAMK Tech


The Board takes care of HAMK’s administration and the proper organization of operations, and is responsible for ensuring that the company is organized and managed in accordance with regulations.

The board is elected for a term of four years. The Municipalities of Tammela and Hattula have a rotating board position and the exchange of the board positions takes place every two years. 

  • The city of Hämeenlinna: Tarja Filatov, chair and Kirsi Lehto
  • The city of Valkeakoski: Veera Kiretti, 1st vice chair
  • The city of Riihimäki: Kari Moisiola, 2nd vice chair
  • The city of Forssa: Jari Marjamäki
  • Municipality of Tammela: Jarkko Koivula (2023-2025)
  • Economic life representative: Mika Laine
  • Student representative: Mikko Hakala
  • Staff representative: Leenakaija Lehto

Management Board

HAMK’s operational activities are managed by the Management Board. Its main task is to develop, plan and coordinate operations.

Members of the Management Board

Staff representatives

The Management Board also includes Henriikka Mastokangas, Chair of the Board of HAMKO, as a student representative.

Annual Report


Häme Vocational Institute HAMI (Hämeen ammatti-instituutti osakeyhtiö) and Häme Summer University (Hämeen kesäyliopisto, HAMK Akatemia Oy) are part of the same business group as HAMK.

Every giant leap starts with a small step