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Home About us The Bettermakers

The Bettermakers

At Häme University of Applied Sciences, we believe that the world can be saved with both feet on the ground. All it takes are brave people and concrete actions.

There are over 10,000 of us, shaping the future of bioeconomy, health, education, business, design, and technology.

Studying at HAMK is teamwork – both with other students and partners. We have been at the forefront of reforming higher education both in the field of research and teaching, and we intend to continue to do so in the future.

We provide exceptional tools and environments to our students, staff, and partners to work and collaborate together to accomplish useful actions.

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The Bettermaker Partners

We work with around a thousand companies and organisations every year. Together with our partners, we bettermake the world with commitment and a long-term perspective.

Get to know the bettermakers

We’re united by the idea of saving our future with real actions.

Everyone’s actions matter, because great journeys are made with human-sized steps. It is enough to dare to take action. Then you will also find your own way to change the world.

And that’s why we at HAMK are called the Bettermakers!

Every giant leap starts with a small step