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Home Research

Our applied research makes a world better place

At HAMK, we do research that benefits the needs of working life. Come and do research with us!

Our solutions are useful

We provide solutions for raw material production, the circular economy, sustainable construction and the built environment, and future skills and education. Around these themes, we are forming three research ecosystems together with our partners: SmartBio, SmartBuilt and SmartEdu.

We seek innovative solutions in partnership with businesses, industry, the public and third sectors, research and education organisations. Our hands-on projects and long-term research help companies to move forward in product development and contribute to vitality and competitiveness.

In the multidisciplinary ecosystems, we combine our high-level applied research expertise with the needs of a changing world.

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SmartBio – Smart Solutions in Biotechnology

Our aim is to find ways for bio-based raw material production and a sustainable bio-cycle economy.

Henkilö valkoinen takki päällään hymyilee ja katsoo ikkunasta ulos.
Kaksi henkilöä asentamassa robottia, joka on valkoisella isolla pöydällä.

SmartBuilt – Smart and Sustainable Built Environment

We are creating new solutions to promote sustainable construction and a citizen-friendly and carbon-neutral built environment.

SmartEdu – Smart Future Education and Competences

We develop skills and innovate learning solutions together with working life and education organisations.

Kaksi naista istuu puiden oksien varjossa ja nauraa.

Our multidisciplinary expertise

The three key ecosystems bring together the expertise of our research units, HAMK Bio, HAMK Edu and HAMK Tech, into a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

RUN European University meets the challenges of a changing world

We are building RUN European University (RUN-EU) with seven other European universities. Our practical research activities at RUN-EU will address regional challenges in partnership with industry and society.

We create multidisciplinary and international research cooperation and carry out joint research projects. We develop doctoral study pathways in partnership with industry and strengthen the research skills of our staff at the European University.

At RUN-EU, we at HAMK are responsible for developing the pedagogical framework. We also run the Bioeconomy Innovation Hub at our European University.

Research and development projects

We have around a hundred research, development and innovation projects running every year.

Responsible RDI

Our expertise is based on high quality applied research. We continuously improve our research and development activities and support our staff, for example in the area of openness.

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