Climate change challenges building industry – Ruukki and HAMK develop increasingly sustainable structures for the needs of the future

Cooperation between HAMK and Ruukki has continued since the 1990s. Through joint research and development work, we improve for example fire safety and durability of building materials and develops structures that are suitable for changing climatic conditions.
Ruukki Construction manufactures steel-based construction products and services. The wall and roof structures produced by Ruukki are used to build various types of hall-like buildings, such as industrial and logistics buildings. For private consumers, more commonly used products are, for example, various types of steel roofs.
Research cooperation between HAMK and Ruukki focuses particularly on projects related to the impacts of climate change and fire safety.
Climate change is causing new pressures and challenges for building materials. Rainfall and temperatures may well be more extreme in the future. As a result, there is a greater demand for improved durability and new qualities of construction structures and materials. For instance, the ongoing ILMARA project is looking for solutions to strengthen the climate resilience of the built environment in Kanta-Häme region.
Testing the construction structures
Over the decades of cooperation, HAMK has been closely involved in providing research services to Ruukki. Often these are product development projects or research and testing for Ruukki’s customers to determine the strength of construction products to withstand loads and strain from different directions.
“For example, we have tested sheet metal structures by pulling, pressing, bending, pulling and really every possible way to achieve the desired result and see how the desired structure works,” says Jyrki Kesti, Ruukki’s Sustainable Construction and Technology Manager.
Over the last couple of years, there has also been an increase in standard testing related to quality control in the factories.
Cooperation generates benefits for business
Research projects provide new solutions and help to foresee upcoming challenges. Cooperation between HAMK and companies often begins already at the early stages of project conception, when Ruukki representatives contribute their insights on the current needs of companies.
“Our role is to ensure that research projects have practical applications. In this way, research does not remain purely theoretical,” Kesti stresses.
The strength of applied research at Häme University of Applied Sciences lies in its close connection with companies. The aim is to produce knowledge that genuinely benefits companies and the industry.
“Of course, what we look for in research cooperation is that we get direct business value – for example, information that helps us improve a product or develop a new product,” says Kesti.
The Bettermaker Partners
At HAMK, we work with around a thousand companies and organisations every year. Together with our partners, we bettermake the world with commitment and a long-term perspective.