OODI studies for beneficiaries

Study new skills and improve your employment prospects. OODI studies are aimed to persons who have been granted temporary protection in Finland.
The project OODI studies offer different levels of learning solutions, from everyday digital skills to demanding professional skills in ICT industry. The courses are primarily online, meaning you can study them regardless of time and location. The studies are conducted mainly in English, which enables participation without Finnish language skill.
OODI studies are provided by five Finnish universities of applied sciences: Haaga-Helia, HAMK, Laurea, Metropolia, and Xamk.
Coming up at HAMK
Spring 2023 (7.3.-5.5.2023)
Digital start package 2 ects cr
Working in Finland 2 ects cr
IT Study essentials 3 ects cr
Service Design 5 ects cr
Business Design 5 ects cr
OODI is a free education implemented in the years 2022-spring 2024 with a special grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The training is carried out in cooperation with five universities of applied sciences.
More information