Cocoa business development
Project information
Project | Cocoa business development |
Duration | 2021–2022 |
Partners | HAMK, University of Cape Coast, Kultasuklaa Ltd. |
Funders | Finnpartnership |
Budget | 45 000 € |
The overall goal of the Cocoa business development project is to create a sustainable business model that provides a reasonable income level to the farmers and utilizes cocoa by-products in environmentally and socially sustainable ways.
The project is implemented in collaboration with the Kultasuklaa company and the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, one of the top 5 Universities in Africa.
Kultasuklaa identifies local partners and develops a preliminary business plan. HAMK supports the project by conducting surveys on cocoa business environment, production processes, logistics and utilization of the cocoa side streams. Based on this project Kultasuklaa will make a decision on establishing business and investing in Ghana.
As part of the project, an annual Arctic Choco Conference will be held to bring researchers and entrepreneurs from Finland and Africa to discuss the role of research in improving cocoa sustainability. In the video below, experts share their points of view of the topic.
Operating area
1.11. Organic fertilizer from cocoa side streams
18.10. Research is needed in improving cocoa sustainability
08.10. Chocolate Week is celebrated at Häme University of Applied Sciences
8.10. Change through collaboration
28.9. Cultural exchange between Finland and Ghana
15.9. How to make cocoa production in Ghana more socially sustainable?
25.2. Belgian intern involved in revising cocoa supply chain
15.01. HAMK students studied utilisation of cocoa side streams
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