Towards a functioning circular economy and security of supply

Project info
Project | Towards a functioning circular economy and security of supply (KOHU) |
Duration | 1.5.2023-30.4.2026 |
Implementor | Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu |
Funding | EAKR |
Budget | 364 560 € |
Towards a functioning circular economy and security of supply (KOHU) project aims to launch research and innovation activities related to additive manufacturing in Kanta-Häme.
The circular economy and the security of supply have emerged as important factors in the debate on the development of the machinery and metalworking industries. In the future, additive manufacturing techniques will more clearly rise alongside traditional manufacturing methods, enabling the production of more sustainable and recyclable products.
Towards a functioning circular economy and security of supply (KOHU) project aims to launch research and innovation activities related to additive manufacturing in Kanta-Häme. The project will strengthen circular economy skills and deployment in companies in the mechanical and metal industry by developing solutions to e.g. repair or reuse broken parts, and by utilizing 3D printing. The project also aims to improve the security of supply for companies by clarifying the compatibility of companies’ existing manufacturing machines with additive manufacturing methods, in order to make them suitable for repair and reuse operations.
The project will carry out targeted practical experiments, as well as related testing and research activities to evaluate the feasibility of the identified measures. Companies will also be supported in connecting to the field’s expert networks.
Work packages
- Project coordination and communication activities.
- Identifying how to transfer the knowledge and technology required to ensure the circular economy of the mechanical and metalworking industries to companies in the region
- Organization of workshops
- Sparring of the innovation development in the field
- Identifying the equipment of the region’s companies and their suitability for the use of new technologies
- Transfering the knowledge and technology required to ensure the security of supply of the mechanical and metalworking industries to companies in the region
- Launching security of supply -related innovation activities in the companies
- Experiments related to the circular economy and security of supply
- Study and analysis of the technical aspects of the test pieces
- 3D printing of test pieces
- Testing of new printing materials and their use in the pilots and applications in support of the research
- Study on international and national innovation ecosystems
- Discussions on cooperation opportunities with ecosystem representatives and companies in the region
- Defining the vision and strategy for the circular economy and security of supply for the region’s mechanical engineering and metalworking companies
- Initiating cooperation between companies and innovation ecosystems
- Project studies

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