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Puutarhuri ojentaa porkkananippua kohti kameraa.


Increasing Organic Expertise in Food Chain Education

Project information

ProjectLuomuOPE – Increasing Organic Expertise in Food Chain Education
PartnersHäme University of Applied Sciences (coordinator),
Laurea University of Applied Sciences,
University of Helsinki
FundersMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry
Budget375 000 € (HAMK’s share 250 000 €)

LuomuOPE – Increasing Organic Expertise in Food Chain Education is a national development and training project. The purpose of the project is to provide the students in the food chain with basic knowledge about organic food and farming.

The development work will be carried out through thematic training and workshops for teachers, as well as through collaboration between and within educational fields. Teachers participating in the project will receive information, support, and practical tools for integrating aspects of organic food and farming into their own teaching. With the new content, educational products, and study paths developed, students’ opportunities to specialize in organic food and farming will increase.

The learning materials produced will be stored in the Library of Open Educational Resources, which is openly accessible to all. For educational production, a review of national and international educational products and learning materials will be carried out. The project will identify learning environments that can also be utilized in organic research.

The project is part of the implementation of Organic 2.0 – Finland’s National Programme for Organic Production 2030. The project is carried out by the Ruralia institute at the University of Helsinki (UH), Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Laurea), and Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK, coordinator), and funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry via the Finnish Food Authority.

The main language of the project is Finnish. More information about the project can be found on the Finnish version of the project page.

Target group

Secondary vocational schools, universities of applied sciences and universities

Operating area


Current news

You can follow the progress of the project on social media #LuomuOPE

Newsletter (in Finnish)

The newsletter provides information on current issues, such as training, workshops, and other events and project outputs.


The project is divided into four parts.

  1. Further training for teachers
  2. Sector-specific learning materials and utilization of international knowledge
  3. Networks within the education sectors and between education sectors
  4. Organic learning environments

Contact information