Boosting Tanzanian VET-Industry Collaboration to Foster Employability and Entrepreneurship through Teacher’s Competence Development and Use of Immersive Technologies

Project information
Name | Boosting Tanzanian VET-Industry Collaboration to Foster Employability and Entrepreneurship through Teacher’s Competence Development and Use of Immersive Technologies/TVET@Work |
Duration | 1.12.2023-30.11.2026 |
Partners | HAMK (Coordinator), 3DBear, Centro San Viator (CSV), The Vocational Education & Training Authority (VETA), Karume Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), HakiElimu |
Funder | Erasmus+ CBVET |
Budget | 499 948 € |
TVET@Work aims to build the capacity of vocational education and training (VET) providers and teachers in Tanzania.
We aim to strengthen public-private cooperation for demand-oriented and opportunity-driven VET interventions and improve the quality and responsiveness of TVET to economic and social developments.
During the project, we will focus on VET teacher training. VET teacher trainers and trainees will be equipped with the skills to teach entrepreneurship to their students using digital solutions, equip them with digital pedagogy skills, and develop skills on how to cooperate with the industry, including inclusion in industrial attachments and civic engagement.
To promote cooperation between VET and the industry, we will produce Guidelines and a Toolkit for practical implementation. These will be aligned with Tanzania’s regional and national development strategies. Our goal is to have positive and long-lasting effects on students, VET teachers, participating organizations, and policy systems.
Target groups
The main target groups are VET teachers and industry representatives. Indirect beneficiaries are VET students who will benefit from increased quality and innovation in entrepreneurship skills training, TVET teachers’ pedagogical skills, especially in digital solutions, improved industry cooperation practices, and updated civic engagement skills.