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Kolme henkilöä laboratoriossa. Yhdellä on päällä eksoskeleton ja kaksi muuta henkilöä tutkivat sen toimintaa.

Assessment of Workload and Technology Needs

Our offering

We provide the opportunity to test wearable exoskeleton robots to ease work strain. We assess the need for their use on a task-specific basis, based on measured data and user experience.

We offer guidance and advice on selecting and acquiring strain-reducing technology, as well as on redesigning work tasks.


Workload Measurements and Technologies for Improving Work Ergonomics

We evaluate the current state and effectiveness of strain-reducing technology already in use by the company and offer suggestions for improving work ergonomics.

Workload measurements can be utilized, for example, in designing ergonomics for care or industrial work, developing auxiliary devices for forestry, and assessing the functionality of sports textiles.

The duration of workload measurements and data analyses ranges from one day to several weeks, depending on the number of people and tasks being measured, as well as the number of exoskeletons being tested.

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