Internal control and risk management
The aim of internal control is to strengthen and harmonise the good governance and management of Häme University of Applied Sciences Ltd (HAMK).
It aims to the development and control of operations to ensure the legality of operations and the functioning of internal procedures and responsibilities.
Risk management is part of internal control and a systematic support function for management and decision-making. It is the utilization of opportunities in the activities of the university of applied sciences and it aims to the identification, assessment, reduction of impact and control of risks related to the activities. Risk management is an active and proactive activity. Development and assessment are an essential part of risk management and it is linked to HAMK’s quality system.
Risk management and internal control activities are carried out by a Senior Acquisitions Specialist at Häme University of Applied Sciences Group. The Senior Acquisitions Specialist reports to the CEO and the Executive Board on the actions taken in this context.