HAMK’s innovative smart sleeve earns growing international recognition

HAMK’s research, development and innovation outcome – smart sleeve Spiritus Ludi – is once again capturing global attention. This time, the smart sleeve is featured on the website of WGSN, the world’s leading trend forecast house.
HAMK’s development work and its’ results have received a gratifying amount of publicity after participation in the Netherlands organized international Dutch Design Week event. The presentation of smart wearables developed at HAMK at this largest event in Northern Europe has brought visibility, contacts, and smart sleeves continue to be featured in significant international publications. Recently Spiritus Ludi appeared on the WGSN website.
WGSN is the world’s leading trend forecaster and produces product and consumer forecasts for global brands to support the product development and design of manufacturers in various industries. WGSN is a platform used by professionals and it has a significant impact on, for example, what kind of clothes and what colors are seen in stores and can be bought in the coming years. WGSN’s customers are from different industries, and these include e.g. Puma, LG Electronics and Google.
On the WGSN website, Spiritus Ludi is featured in an article presenting innovations in smart textiles and smart wearables. The article refers to the growth of smart textile applications with the development of technology and the opportunities they bring for new types of interactive and responsive clothes. The article presents a picture of Spiritus Ludi and mentions:
Häme University of Applied Sciences’ Future Wearables designed Spiritus Ludi, an interactive smart sleeve for esports players that includes functions like sharing “digital high fives within a remote team” using integrated haptic devices.
The best performing sport teams for example in NBA basketball, express more social touch gestures such as high fives and taps than lower performing teams. Spiritus Ludi is a smart sleeve developed for e-sport players to send digital touches within a team in remote conditions. When a player taps the sleeve, it sends an encouraging touch message to all team members’ sleeves. Spiritus Ludi has been developed in cooperation with more than a hundred e-sport players and has been tested in several e-sports teams. Spiritus Ludi elevates the connection and promotes positive emotions between players.
With the great interest, it is obvious, that wearable intelligence, which can support social connection, health promotion and well-being, is significant and part of the future. The research and development work on wearable intelligence in HAMK will be continued with great interest in future projects as well.
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