Continuous Opportunities for Learning at Work
Project information
The research project Continuous Opportunities for Learning at Work (CoOL@Work) examines employees’ lifelong, or continuous, learning. It focuses on individuals’ engagement in learning at work as well as opportunities provided for learning in three different organisations and professions.
The project is carried out by a consortium led by the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) and includes the Tampere University and the University of Turku. The project is funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund.
The project improves understanding of employees’ learning experiences and opportunities. The project adopts versatile data collection methods to obtain multifaceted information on learning, including a survey, interviews and a physiological measurement of electrodermal activity (EDA) and activation levels with a Moodmetric smart ring.
The collected data is used to develop learning opportunities at the participating organisations. The purpose of this research project is to support both individuals and work communities in acknowledging and planning competence development in everyday work and in combining work and learning. This is considered important for the performance of the organisations but also for the well-being of the employees.
The project was completed in autumn 2022.
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