Creatives in Web3 age
Project information
Name | Creatives in Web3 age |
Duration | 1.1.2024-30.6.2026 |
Partners | Metropolia (Coordinator), HAMK, Arcada, Humak, SeAMK |
Funder | Co-Funded by European Social Fund plus (ESF+), with the Häme ELY Centre as the national funding authority. |
Budget | 103 096€ (HAMK’s part) |
For creators and producers of creative content, metaverse, DAOs, digital art world and NFTs offer new earning models.
These web3 era approaches require new digital skills and also new skills in monetization models. Creatives in the web3 era will develop the skills needed by creative content workers and intermediaries in the web3 environment, while at the same time reforming a broad range of domestic creative education to meet the demands of the web3 era, delivering a lasting change in the innovation and thus growth potential of the creative sector. The project builds on the Creative Metaverse pre-study project, which has identified gaps in digital skills that hinder development.
Target group
People of working age in the creative and cultural sectors, the creative web3 training ecosystem in the public, private and third sectors, Graduate students training for creative and cultural professions in secondary and tertiary education, Employers and employees in various situations of change. including cultural content creators and producers in other sectors (e.g. the ICT sector, with whom cooperation will aim at embedding new interface competences through innovation piloting).