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Pro Opetustilat

Development Plan for Teaching Farms and Forests

Project information

ProjectDevelopment Plan for Teaching Farms and Forests
PartnersThe project is administered by Häme University of Applied Sciences.
FundingMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry’s “Hiilestä kiinni” (Catch the Carbon) – Land Use Sector Climate Action Package, along with the self-financing of participating educational institutions.
Budget625 795 €

The Pro Teaching Facilities project aims to map the current land use sector climate action plan activities of teaching farms and forests and define the focus areas for experimental activities that enhance the expertise of each teaching farm in line with the land use sector climate action plan. It also lists the types of collaboration opportunities that teaching farms and forests enable for TKIO (climate action) cooperation.

As a result of the project, a clear understanding and division of tasks will be established regarding how the practices of the land use sector climate action plan manifest in teaching farms and forests. Each educational institution will have its own areas of strength as part of the Finnish natural resources education expertise ecosystem. In addition, this survey will facilitate future collaboration between educational institutions and businesses, as well as make teaching farms and forests models for practical for implement to the land use sector climate action plan.

In the Pro Teaching Facilities project, all natural resource education institutions in Finland’s agricultural, horticultural, and forestry fields are gathered together, and their activities are examined in line with the land use sector climate action plan (MISU). The focus areas for experimental activities in the learning environments are also defined.

The survey developed in the project highlights the possibilities of using the learning environments for ongoing research and collaboration with businesses. Through the project, common information about educational institutions will be updated, and a database will be created, easily maintainable on the national AgriHub platform.

The information obtained from educational institutions can be better utilized in the peer learning, expanding educational institution cooperation, and profiling activities (learning environment CV). The survey will enable new and broader educational institution cooperation in the future and position teaching farms and forests as model locations for practical for implement to the climate action plan. At the same time, within the industry (other natural resource sector stakeholders, including administration, research, and advisory services), awareness of the learning and research environments offered by educational institutions will be increased.

Target group

Natural resource sector stakeholders, including education, administration, research, and advisory services.

Operating region



The project consortium includes a total of 20 natural resource education institutions around Finland. Regional coordinators (4 pcs) have been defined for the project, who are responsible for the progress of operations in their own region.

Regional Coordinators

Hamk – Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Etelä-Suomi)
Jedu – Jokilaaksojen koulutusyhtymä (Pohjois-Suomi)
Kpedu – Keskipohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä (Länsi-Suomi)
Ysao – Ylä-savon Ammattiopisto (Itä-Suomi)

Other co-executors

Ahlmanin koulun Säätiö sr
Koulutuskuntayhtymä Brahe
Hämeen ammatti-instituutti Oy
Harjun Oppimiskeskus Oy
Järviseudun koulutuskuntayhtymä
Kajaanin kaupungin koulutusliikelaitos
Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä
Peimarin koulutuskuntayhtymä
Lounais-Suomen koulutuskuntayhtymä
Koulutuskuntayhtymä OSAO
Koulutuskeskus Salpaus – kuntayhtymä
Sasky koulutuskuntayhtymä
Seinäjoen koulutuskuntayhtymä Sedu
Työtehoseura ry
Suupohjan koulutuskuntayhtymä
Svenska Österbottens förbund för utbildning och kultur skn

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