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Open access publishing and RDI communications

Open access publishing and RDI communications

We support and encourage our higher education community in a variety of ways on open access publishing and research, development and innovation communication issues. On this page you will find our guidelines and tips on open access publishing and RDI communication.

On this website you can find information on open access publication and communication in RDI. It is being complemented by instructions at the intranet (requires login).

Favour open access publishing!

When choosing publication channel, reflect what you would like to say and to whom.

Same text does not work in different channels: professional terminology is fine in trade magazines and scientific journals but should be avoided in newspapers and popular magazines. If possible, choose multiple and diversified publication channels. For example, scientific publications can be reprocessed into professional or popular articles. Remember also to be active after the publication is published. Advertise your publication for example in social media.

When you are choosing publication channel, choose an open access (OA) channel if possible. Open access means that the publication is openly available on the internet for to anyone to read. HAMK recommends open access publishing and the number of open access publications among all HAMK publications is followed closely. RDI support team can help you choose the right place for your publication.
Open Access publications are more accessible and visible than the publications behind the paywall. When the publication has been published openly, it is easier to link it forward and people can read it without any fees. For a researcher this means that your work has more visibility.

At HAMK we take into account the most essential open access policies and recommendations. According to the HAMK’s principles of openness, the staff members are expected to choose open access publication channels when possible.

Remember quality!

When searching for a publication channel remember to pay attention to quality. There are lots of good and reliable publication channels on the internet but also a lot of so-called predatory publications / fake online journals or scientific conferences. The predatory publishers and conferences often market their services aggressively by email or other means. So, it is good to stop to analyse their websites and advertisements for a moment.

You can recognize a good and high-quality OA-publisher by checking for example following details on their website: transparent guidelines for authors, logical contact information and sensible editorial team. Remember to also browse through the articles they have published. You can also utilize Publication forum’s publication channel search. It is recommended to make the search by using the ISSN number of the publication.

For more information, you can read an extensive article written by an expert Anna-Sofia Ruth.

Open access journals are often funded by open access fees, such as article processing charge (APC) or book processing charge (BPC). Some journals also have an embargo on open access publishing.
Embargo means that there will be a delay before the article is being opened for anyone to read. During the embargo period the article can only be read behind the paywall.

You might also run into terms like gold open access, green open access and hybrid open access when reading open access journals. Gold OA means that the publication is immediately provided as an open access version online. Green OA means that the publication is published in the journal and also self-archived in author’s home organization’s repository (Theseus in HAMK), where it is openly available. Hybrid journals do not publish as open access by default, but you can buy your article to be open access by paying the APC or BPC charges.

Open access costs are monitored in HAMK. Through FinElib consortium, HAMK is currently in agreements with following publishers: ACM, Emerald, Elsevier, Sage, Springer and Wiley. That lowers the costs of OA publishing in scientific journals. For more information on FinElib agreements, please login to the intranet.

Self-archiving publications means that staff member’s publications are archived in the organization’s own repository. The main principle of self-archiving is that the publications are online and openly accessible in the repository. In HAMK, the repository is Theseus, where the publications can be read by anyone.

The version of the article the publishers allow for self-archiving varies. The self-archived version is often called an accepted manuscript or a final draft. That is the latest version which has been sent to the publisher but does not include any finishing touches by the publisher. The pre-print version, is also good to keep saved. The pre-print refers to the version that does not yet have been through the peer review process.

For more information or support on self-archiving, please contact the RDI support team.

ORCID research identifier offers a personal identifier which gives better possibilities for a researcher to gain national and international visibility by clearly marking their own creations. Anyone can create a free ORCID ID and update their researcher profile on the ORCID database.

For more information:

Create your ORCID ID on the ORCID website:

Creative Commons licenses define what kind of rights you are giving to those who want to make use of your publication.

HAMK’s own publications are published with a CC license. RDI support team can help you with utilizing CC licenses.

Dissemination and communication in RDI

The most common form of our RDI communication is project-related communication. We aim to present research results and methods as openly and accessibly as possible, so that the information is easily accessible to target groups and useful to society. We also want to use our communication to stimulate debate on science and research and to increase trust in research.

We organise events, seminars and workshops related to our research, which are open to everyone and can be found in the HAMK events calendar. We communicate about our research and its objectives in a wide range of communication channels such as newsletters, social media, website, regional and national media. We comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation in all our communications.

We support and encourage our staff to communicate as openly as possible about their research and development work. We provide regular training on topics such as media cooperation, social media and project communication. We aim to organise communication meetings with all of our new projects to go through the project communication plan. Key issues to be defined in the communication plan include: communication objectives, target groups, key messages and practical issues such as timelines, responsibilities and possible costs. We have developed HAMK’s Communication Plan Template, which is available to all HAMK staff.

At HAMK, everyone communicates. We help research and project experts to clarify messages and choose the right places to communicate. We take into account key recommendations on RDI communication, such as the Recommendations for Science Communication published by the Committee for Public Information.

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