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Emergency plans for campuses

Have a look at the emergency plan for your campus using these links:

Did you notice something?

The key to ensuring safety is to identify and anticipate risks. It is therefore particularly important that even small safety-related deficiencies and problems are identified and corrected as soon as possible. Every member of the community can contribute to safety by reporting their findings and suggesting improvements.

Immediately report a safety observation, for example

  • if you notice a safety deficiency in a study or work situation
  • if you experience a near-miss or threatening situation
  • if you experience harassment or inappropriate behaviour

Safety observation reporting help us act effectively to resolve the situation and avoid a similar recurrence.

Instructions for reporting a safety observation

There are three ways to report general safety observations and ideas:

  1. Fill in the safety observation form (the Webropol form is secure and also allows anonymous reporting)
  2. Send a free-form notification by e-mail to [email protected]
  3. If you are a student or a staff member, please open a new ticket in the “Safety observation” category of the HAMK Service Desk.

Notifications and suggestions are received by a HAMK safety expert, who handles them confidentially together with the relevant actors, such as campus safety teams, property services or student wellbeing services, as soon as possible.

The statutory occupational health and safety notification forms for staff have been put together on the intranet (link).

Safety instructions

Emergency number 112

If you become aware of an incident that threatens life, health, property or the environment, call the public emergency number 112.

Call the emergency number in urgent emergencies when emergency services such as the emergency services, rescue services, police, paramedics or social services are needed. The emergency number is answered by “Hätäkeskus – Nödcentralen”.

During an emergency call, it is important to listen and answer the dispatcher’s questions as carefully as possible.

When should I call emergency number 112?

  • when you face an emergency or need urgent assistance from the authorities
  • when you know or have reason to believe that your life, health, property or the environment is threatened or endangered

Don’t call emergency number

  • for the sole purposes of making enquiries or surveys
  • in emergency situations where no one is at risk: power cuts
  • in non-urgent situations

If you are in doubt about the urgency of the situation, call 112. Call yourself if you can. A call from an intermediary can, in the worst case, delay help arriving.

After alerting assistance, report your sighting to a member of HAMK or HAMI staff or your supervisor.

After alerting assistance, report your sighting to a member of HAMK or HAMI staff or your supervisor.

First aid

Make a quick assessment of the situation – find out what has happened:

  • Is the person awake? If awake, ask what happened. If necessary, call 112 for help. If the person is not awake, call 112 and follow the instructions given by the emergency services.
  • Is the person you are helping breathing? If breathing, turn to the side. If the person is not breathing, call 112 (or call for help) and start CPR as instructed by the emergency services.



Save yourself and others in danger. Warn others.
Be careful not to breathe smoke.
Direct those in the building to the nearest exit.
Do not use the lift.
Move to the assembly area and wait for further instructions.
In the event of a fire or gas hazard, close doors and windows behind you.


Take the nearest fire extinguisher and start the extinguishing work immediately, but do not risk your own life.
Do not use water on live electrical objects or liquid fires.
Start in front of the flames, work your way back. Apply the agent from the bottom up, in a back and forth motion to the root of the flames.
When the flames disappear, stop extinguishing.

Put the fire out

Take the nearest fire extinguisher and start the extinguishing work immediately, but do not risk your own life.
Do not use water on live electrical objects or liquid fires.
Start in front of the flames, work your way back. Apply the agent from the bottom up, in a back and forth motion to the root of the flames.
When the flames disappear, stop extinguishing.

Limit the spread of fire by closing doors and windows
Remove nearby flammable objects and flammable substances.


Limit the spread of fire by closing doors and windows
Remove nearby flammable objects and flammable substances.


Guide the fire fighters to the scene of the fire.

Leave the building

  • Report the threat immediately, either to a member of staff or your supervisor, or directly to 112 if necessary.
  • Follow exit or shelter-in-place instructions.
  • When moving around in different parts of the building, already look where your nearest exit route is and where you can find an emergency exit.
  • When you leave, take the necessary clothing with you.

If it is not possible to leave the building:

  • Call the emergency number and tell them who you are, where you are and what has happened.
  • Get to a sheltered area.
  • Close the doors and windows.
  • Block the door frames, e.g. with clothes, to prevent smoke from getting in.

Threat of violence and harassment

At HAMK, there is zero tolerance for violence and threats of violence. All threats are taken seriously.

If you feel you are in immediate danger, contact 112 and follow the instructions given.

Report the matter as soon as possible to a member of HAMK or HAMI staff or make a threatening or near miss report. Report the matter as soon as possible to a member of HAMK or HAMI staff or make a threatening or near miss report.

In cases of harassment, students can contact Hamko’s Anti-Harassment Contact Persons, Heads of Degree Programmes or Head of Education Development Saija Sokka. Don’t be alone, contact us!

Threat of suicide

  • Take all the hints seriously
  • Discuss and clarify the situation with the person concerned
  • Don’t leave the person alone
  • Recognise your own limitations in providing psychological counselling – if necessary, ask for help from members of the safety team, a student psychologist, student nurse or occupational health.
  • When the need for support arises, the person concerned should be referred to support in accordance with the care guidance model.

Threat to the university

  • Report the threat immediately, either to a member of staff or your supervisor, or directly to 112 if necessary.
  • Follow exit or shelter-in-place instructions.
  • When moving around in different parts of the building, already look where your nearest exit route is and where you can find an emergency exit.
  • When you leave, take the necessary clothing with you.

Special situations

In special or emergency situations (major accidents, radiological accidents, toxic spills), a general danger signal is issued. It is a one-minute rising and falling tone or a warning given by an authority. The duration of both the rising and falling tones is 7 seconds.

Toimi näin vaaramerkin kuultuasi:

  • Go inside and stay there.
  • Close doors and windows, stop the mechanical ventilation.
  • Seal the penetrations with plastic film or tape, for example.
  • Turn on the radio and wait calmly for instructions.
  • Avoid using the phone to avoid blocking the lines.
  • Do not leave the area unless advised to do so by the authorities.

Contact us

Each of our campuses has its own security team. HAMK’s security work is planned and developed by the Group Security and Preparedness Group, which consists of the chairs of the campus security groups.

Juha Mäkelä.

Juha Mäkelä

Senior Lecturer

[email protected]


Soile Viljakka.

Soile Viljakka

Vice President

[email protected]


Jyrki Hapulahti.

Jyrki Hapulahti

Senior Lecturer

[email protected]


Head of Degree Programme Jari Latva-Koivisto
Lecturer Pekka Puputti