Recruitment Channels and Tiitus
Are you looking for a job, internship or thesis job? Are you building networks in your field? Check out the Tiitus Job Market!
Nowadays, the job search process and networking is through multi-channels and they require long-term work. Remember to start your process in advance and make use of the many different channels and services available. At HAMK, we use the recruitment channel Tiitus and the sector-specific Viva Engage channels to advertise vacancies.
On this page, you can find more information on how to use these HAMK recruitment channels.
Tiitus recruitment channel
Tiitus is a profile based recruitment channel, and you can use the service both on mobile and in your browser. You can use the service to search for jobs and internships, and the service’s artificial intelligence will also suggest jobs that match your profile. With a profile, you are more easily reached by companies. You can also browse companies in Tiitus and send open applications to companies of interest.
The platform provides you with work, training and thesis opportunities. It is a growing network which focuses on offering opportunities to HAMK students. You can show all your skills, talents and experiences to companies via the platform. Therefore, it is in nature also a networking platform.
If you are just browsing through the work or thesis opportunities in the Job Market, login is not required. But if you want to apply for a position or send an open application to companies, then you are required to create an account and complete your profile. (See instructions on how to create a profile below).
Viva Engage channels
At HAMK, several channels are used for recruitment of HAMK students. Besides general channels such as HAMK Students and your own degree programmes´ channels, you can also follow jobs and projects related channels. Below is the list of channels.
Viva Engage – Työpaikat ja projektit / tekniikka // Technology jobs and projects (FI/EN)
Viva Engage – Työpaikat ja projektit / liiketalous // Business jobs and projects (FI/EN)
Viva Engage – Bio- ja elintarviketekniikan avoimet työpaikat/projektit
Other channels
Other networking platforms such as LinkedIn offer a big variety of opportunities for you to network and connect with the communities of your own fields. There are also numerous open positions that you can apply. Depending on your needs and the phases of your studies, different platforms can be of different use to help you achieve your career goals.
Internship abroad
Depending on your degree programme, it is also possible to do your internship abroad. There are channels such as EURES, EDUFI Internship and Eramus Intern.
It is student´s own responsibility to find out internship opportunity abroad, but HAMK provides guidance and supports for the work placement abroad process.
HAMK Career Services
HAMK Career Services provide individualized support and guidance for students. You can book guidance sessions with career guidance specialists.