The vocational teacher is an ACE in the field of vocational education and training

The vocational teacher is an ACE in the field of vocational education and training! The ACE project focuses Agentic, Competent and Effective vocational teachers.
A multi-method longitudinal study provides new insights into the links between professional agency, competence and social networks. Also their role in the well-being and commitment of vocational teachers. We offer practical recommendations to support teachers’ meaningful work, retention and continuous learning for vocational institutions, professional teacher education and educational policy makers.
In the early stages the project has been presented to the partner vocational institutions and teacher educators of the HAMK School of Professional Teacher Education and to representatives of the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. With them, we discussed the changes in the work of vocational teachers and their learning needs, as well as the attractiveness of the teaching profession. The management of teachers’ competences and pedagogical leadership in vocational institutions also appeared extensively in these discussions. These topics have been under-researched. We need updated knowledge about leadership practices and new insights to renew them. Teacher competence development and management are also present in our research project.
We are examining the collaboration between vocational education and workplaces. This is done based on educational policy documents and interviews with company representatives. Preliminary findings from the interview data show that collaboration between workplaces and vocational education is seen as key. Particularly in terms of providing skilled workers for working life and promoting work-based learning for students. According to company representatives, the role of the teacher is significant in the development of the organization and the professional development of employees. Teachers are increasingly expected to act as advisors and innovators to promote the actions and development of companies as well as public relations officers to promote the attractiveness of the sector.
Preliminary findings will be presented at the AMK- ja ammatillisen koulutuksen tutkimuspäivät on 7-8 November 2024 in Helsinki.
About the project
The project is conducted during 1.9.2024-31.8.2028 and is funded by the Research Council of Finland.
The implementer is Häme University of Applied Sciences.
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