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Digital autonomous services in circular economy

Hämeen liitto. Regional council of Häme. Kirjoitettu mustalla. Ylhäällä punainen vaakuna.

Project information

ProjectDigital autonomous services in circular economy
Duration1.8.2023 – 31.7.2026 
ImplementorsHäme University of Applied Sciences Oy
FundersEuropean Regional Development Fund, Hämeen liitto
Budget460 000 €

In the KAP project, HAMK develops services for the circular economy area of the MORE industrial area located in Hämeenlinna. We utilize digital technologies, automation, and autonomous transport methods in our work. Concretely, the results are seen, for example, in better safety of use and wider service hours in the circular economy area, as well as a more customer-friendly, efficient, and intelligent circular economy.

The digital services of the circular economy and new business models are developing rapidly with the rapid progress of the digital revolution. The explosive growth of personalized service, real-time value determination, and identification enables companies to accurately measure and monitor service production processes and, above all, create customer-oriented services and products. New digital technologies, such as the industrial internet, big data, artificial intelligence, and digital platforms, enable these new business models, which achieve the goals and benefits of the circular economy.
Companies see the most potential in the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and RFID, as they enable more efficient data collection and utilization, facilitating the emergence of new innovative services. However, companies recognize challenges for the full utilization of these technologies, such as ensuring data quality and information security, and risks related to investments.

In the KAP project, we investigate the new innovative services of market-based circular economy operators and the possible emergence of completely new circular economy operators on the market. In addition, we analyze the relationship and business ecosystem formation of new market-based operators with statutory recycling operators.
At the MORE industrial area’s circular economy area, an automated recycling service is piloted, which is available to corporate customers according to the 24/7 principle. The service includes guiding customers safely around the circular economy area and verifying the recycling material they bring. In the implementation of the pilot, we utilize the aforementioned digital technologies and investigate the new service processes and business models they enable.

Project objectives

The main goal and result of the project is the Road Map 2025 for digital services of the circular economy, which includes a SoA analysis of the digital systems of small-scale circular economy transactions. In addition, the project aims to:

  • Expand the operation of the MORE industrial area’s circular economy area: Corporate customers can access the circular economy area around the clock according to the 24/7 principle.
  • Enhance the business services of the MORE circular economy area: Automation with the latest digital technologies.
  • Collect information about the operation of the MORE circular economy area: The amounts of material brought to the station.
  • Develop the safety of the MORE circular economy area: Customer identification, operation and movement guidance, and waste identification.
  • Prevent the growth of waste management costs: Cost savings thanks to new business ecosystems, and cost savings enabled by new operating models.

Target groups

The project’s main target groups include the MORE industrial area, the Kiertokapula waste and recycling station operating in the MORE industrial area, all waste and recycling stations located in the Kanta-Häme region, as well as the Kanta-Häme residents who use waste management services.

Operational area

The benefits of the project are visible regionally in the Kanta-Häme area and municipally in the areas of Hämeenlinna and Janakkala.

Contact information

Project Manager: Essi Isohanni

Experts: Hanna Salopaasi, Sonja Kedonperä

Project Coordinator: Sonja Kedonperä

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