Calculator targets energy savings for companies in the social and service sectors
Häme University of Applied Sciences and LAB University of Applied Sciences are running a project to increase knowledge and expertise on energy efficiency and renewable energy investments for small and micro enterprises in the social, health and service sectors in Häme. A beta version of the calculator is being sought for testers.
In METE2 eli Maaseudun palveluyritysten vähähiiliset energiaratkaisut 2 -project one of the objectives is to provide energy customers with an investment calculation tool that will enable them to assess for themselves whether investments in active solar energy systems and heat pump systems are worthwhile. The tool will help to assess, in general terms and with some limitations also on a property-by-property basis, how to reduce electricity and heating bills for energy customers and how to make buildings more energy efficient.
The designed counter includes, among other things:
- Payback periods for energy systems in years, using the net present value method
- Potential CO2 emissions compared to the current heat production of the building
- Preliminary property-specific calculations (with assumptions)
- for solar panels
- for air-source heat pumps
- air-to-water heat pumps
- geothermal heat pumps
- Impact on electricity bills of changing lighting and reducing indoor temperature
To make sure the calculator meets the needs of our users, we are looking for testers for the Beta version to help us improve its usability. You can sign up to be a tester by sending an email to [email protected]. We are looking for comments from testers, in particular on the functionality of the calculator and on how to improve the instructions and usability.