Opportunities for Smart Transportation: Mapping and Development Actions in the MORE Area
In the Älli – Smart Mobility – project implemented by HAMK, the focus was on exploring the opportunities brought by smart mobility in the largest industrial area in Southern Finland (MORE). The project aimed to enhance both the transportation in the industrial area and the entire Kanta-Häme region through the strategies of smart mobility and low-carbon development.
The actions taken in the project were guided by five objectives:
- Promoting environmental friendliness, carbon neutrality, and productivity in the MORE industrial area and the entire Kanta-Häme region.
- Strengthening the competitiveness of the MORE industrial area through a low-carbon development strategy.
- Utilizing the project results to enhance the operations of companies in the MORE industrial area, for example, through collaborative development projects.
- Developing collaboration with national experts in smart mobility.
- Preparing for national and international R&D projects.
Within the project framework, various aspects of smart mobility needs and opportunities were mapped from the perspective of companies operating in the MORE area, along with related infrastructural requirements. Additionally, factors related to the transition to smart mobility were investigated from an energy-economic and legislative standpoint, and a study on the certification of a low-carbon business area (Industrial Park MORE) was produced.
The project revealed that several smart mobility applications are already being utilized in the MORE area. It was also noted that the area and its companies have significant potential for the future use of various smart mobility services. Several concrete proposals, aligned with infrastructure requirements, were provided to companies in the area, along with guidance on the best and most potential use cases for smart mobility. Collaboration with entrepreneurs in the MORE area, industry experts, and stakeholders was advanced through events such as a workshop and a smart mobility webinar.
The development of smart mobility services in the MORE area and Kanta-Häme will continue in the future through new projects, leveraging the collaboration established with industry experts during the project.
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The project was carried out from April 1, 2022, to October 30, 2023, by Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), its research networks, and Linnan Kehitys. The project was funded by Häme Regional Council and was successfully completed without exceeding the anticipated budget of 93,000 euros.