Master’s Degrees
Find new drive for your career from our Master School! Reach your career goals by obtaining a master’s degree at HAMK Master School. Welcome to HAMK, you’re here to make a change!
Master’s Degree
At the HAMK Master School, you can study for a master’s degree that will help you achieve your career aspirations. Our Master School brings together master’s degree students in bioeconomy, culture, business, social and health care, engineering and technology. Cooperation enables comprehensive learning and networking.
Why Master’s Degree?
A Master’s Degree will expand and deepen your competence and provide you with the necessary theoretical information for working in expert and/or management tasks. The studies provide you with the skills for acquiring, processing, and applying research data in your own work, among other things.
A Master’s Degree qualifies you for positions that require a higher education degree. The degree is a fully recognized university degree in Finland as well as abroad, and upon completion provides you with the eligibility to apply for a doctoral degree.
You can apply for Master’s Degrees provided in English annually mainly in January (joint application period) or in February (direct application period) and Master’s Degree provided in Finnish in March. You are eligible for Master’s Degree studies when you have completed relevant qualification (mainly a higher education degree at UAS or university) and obtained required two years of work experience from the relevant field.
Degree among work
Master’s studies last 1,5-2 years depending on whether you complete 60 or 90 credits degree. Our degrees have been designed to be completable while working. Some of our degree programmes are fully implemented online and some are implemented as multiform studies. In both study modes, there are contact days in addition to independent and small group online study.
Master’s studies at HAMK
Bettermake your expertise
The contents of the courses of Master’s programmes support each other, combining theory and work life-oriented practical application, including the utilization of artificial intelligence. In the learning assignments, you solve real problems at work and learn future-oriented decision-making skills. Although the assignments require commitment, scheduling and self-direction from you, they offer you flexibility and the opportunity to fit your studies into your own life.
Master’s Thesis
The master’s thesis is a goal-oriented and research-oriented workplace development project which allows you to deepen your expertise. Our theses are directed by experienced and competent supervisors who want to support you in achieving your goals. The thesis guidance relationship is confidential, developing, and supportive.
Power of Team Learning
At Master School, we believe in the power of team learning. According to our student feedback, communal team learning is rewarding, because master’s students already have knowledge, skills and competence to share with each other. At the beginning of the courses, our teachers give the student teams an introduction to the topic and introduce them to the work-oriented learning assignment. After this, the teams work on the assignment together and receive guidance from our teachers. At the end of the course, the teams present their learning results to each other and they are discussed together under the guidance of the teachers. In courses, you also do assignments independently.
Good teamwork requires flexibility, respect for others and listening skills. When each team member recognizes their own strengths, the team can assign roles according to them in different courses, which makes studying more meaningful. Master’s studies require you above all to have a desire to learn and enthusiasm to constantly develop yourself. Teamwork also has its own challenges, such as coordinating schedules and evenly dividing the workload, but clear rules and common goals help to commit and achieve the best possible result.
Check the Master’s Degrees:
Applied Machine Learning (Master’s Degree)
Entrepreneurship and Business
90 ECTS credits
Management in Sustainable Business (Master’s Degree)
Entrepreneurship and Business
90 ECTS credits
Wearable Intelligence (Master’s Degree)
Technology and Traffic
90 ECTS credits
Biotalouden ratkaisut (Ylempi AMK)
Luonnonvara-alat ja biotalous
60 opintopistettä
Hyvinvoinnin digitaaliset palvelut ja prosessit (Ylempi AMK)
Sosiaali- ja terveysala
90 opintopistettä
Kriisitilanteiden hallinta sosiaali- ja terveysalalla (Ylempi AMK)
Sosiaali- ja terveysala
90 opintopistettä
Kulttuuri- ja taidetoiminta hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä (Ylempi AMK)
90 opintopistettä
Liiketoiminnan kehittäminen (Ylempi AMK)
Yrittäjyys ja liiketalous
90 opintopistettä
Luontoympäristöt ja hyvinvoinnin edistäminen (Ylempi AMK)
Luonnonvara-alat ja biotalous
90 opintopistettä
Monialainen hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistäminen (Ylempi AMK)
Sosiaali- ja terveysala
90 opintopistettä
Rakennusalan innovatiivinen uudistaminen (Ylempi AMK)
Tekniikka ja liikenne
60 opintopistettä
Sosiaali- ja terveysalan kehittäminen ja johtaminen (Ylempi AMK)
Sosiaali- ja terveysala
90 opintopistettä
Teknologiaosaamisen johtaminen (Ylempi AMK)
Tekniikka ja liikenne
60 opintopistettä
Tietojohtaminen ja älykkäät palvelut (Ylempi AMK)
Tekniikka ja liikenne
60 opintopistettä
Tulevaisuuden liikennejärjestelmät (Ylempi AMK)
Tekniikka ja liikenne
60 opintopistettä