Accessibility of HR services
This plan applies to all functions and services provided by the HR services of Häme University of Applied Sciences.
HR administration services include: recruitment, employment contract, travel, accounts and official notifications, working time management, trustee fees, salary system, HR processes and overall architecture, statistics and reports, measurement of competence capital, competence management, career paths, development of front-line work, peer group mentoring, mediation, occupational health care cooperation, active support model, personnel events , occupational health and safety, cooperation, overall assessment, induction and development of employer image.
Data systems
The recruitment system Kuntarekry is partly accessible.
Salary programme FK is not achievable. The pay programme is used by five people.
Employees report their absences, apply for their annual leaves and can access their own employment information in the ESSi system. There is no information on the technical accessibility of ESS. ESS can be used in English.
Stara, which is used in competence management and leadership, is built on Microsoft’s PowerPlatform products, the technical accessibility of which is ensured by Microsoft. It is possible to change Stara’s user interface to English.
The travel and expense calculation programme Bezala will be WCAG 2.2 compliant by 1 January 2023. Bezala has an English version.
The Häme University of Applied Sciences complies with the Collective Agreement for Finnish Education Employers. The payslips are sent to each employee’s online bank. The digital services of the most common banks are accessible.
Reporting and statistics
HR services produce statistical data for the needs of different authorities. We also provide personnel figures for the needs of our own organisation. Visualisations used in reporting take into account accessibility when making colour selections. In addition, graphs are written as open text.
Communications and guidelines
HR services communicates both in Finnish and in English in an accessible manner in HAMK’s established channels. HR services also use ServiceDesk to manage the most common problem situations. The e-mail address [email protected] is also available for sensitive questions.
Personnel events and degree programme
The implementation of personnel days aims to take accessibility into account. The common sections of the programme will be interpreted. At least one group in the groupwork part is English-speaking. The venue must be accessible. In the virtual implementation, accessibility is taken into account in the best possible way.
HAMK100 implementations take into account both technical and location-specific accessibility.
In addition, HAMK staff are trained to plan teaching in accordance with the Universal Design principle, which is suitable for everyone, and to produce content and materials that are accessible in learning environments.
Occupational health care
HAMK purchases occupational health care services from Mehiläinen. Its accessibility is described on the Mehiläinen website.
All HR administration employees understand what accessibility is and strive to take accessibility into account in their activities. All HR specialists complete accessibility degree programme and utilise the acquired expertise in the development of their own area of expertise. Accessibility is considered in all planning of HR administration.
Objectives for the years 2024-2025
- All personnel services are aimed to be produced accessible.
- All materials produced by the personnel services on the intranet and public pages are accessible.
- In events organized by personnel services, accessibility is taken into account in the best possible way.
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