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Home Cooperation and services Students in cooperation

Students in cooperation

9000 new ideas – projects, work placements, theses and recruitment opportunities! Cooperation with our international and Finnish students is diverse and can be tailored to your needs.

Trainees and employees: Recruit new talent

You can recruit trainees, part-time or full-time employees or light entrepreneurs.

Projects and theses: develop activities together with students

Students have fresh ideas and enthusiasm that can drive your organisation forward in many different ways.

Internationalise with the help of a student

Our students from abroad are looking for contacts. You can strengthen your international skills.

The cooperation was fruitful. I think it is important that the subject is interesting for the student. Then the student is motivated to do genuinely useful work.

The student listened to our wishes and independently limited the huge amount of material.

Henni Paronen
commissioner of the thesis
Alva Hyvinvointi

The students knew how to make campaigns from a young person’s point of view, which is important. With their help, I saved weeks of my working time.

It’s worth getting involved in student projects, but it’s a good idea to think carefully about the assignment.

Outi Koskinen
Client for student project
Oma Häme

I warmly recommend the student project to other entrepreneurs.

They allow you to stop and think about things and get an outside perspective.

Carita Nyberg
Keys 2 Balance
