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S-, C- and N-buildings of the Hämeenlinna University Centre. The buildings are multi-storey and white. The windows have a pink enhancement colour.
Home About us Strategy Accessibility Accessibility of campuses

Accessibility of campuses

Accessibility plan

An environment that is accessible and safe strengthens the well-being of students, staff and visitors, as well as improves the functioning of the entire HAMK.

It is easy to move and participate in an accessible environment. Accessibility means easy access to buildings, stairless access from one place to another, clear signs, and good acoustic environment, as well as equal opportunities to study, work and engage in hobbies.

This accessibility plan for Facilities management and services focusses on the physical accessibility of HAMK and HAMI learning and operational environments and on the digital information concerning the Group’s accessibility.

The accessibility plan for HAMK Facilities management and services covers the following areas: buildings (direct access to buildings, easy to move and operate inside, accessible toilets), accessible outside areas and passages, parking areas, parking spaces for people with disabilities, accessible routes, signs, and maps.

In the future, HAMK’s special arrangements for accessibility will be available on campus-specific maps:

  • Accessible parking spaces and drop-off points.
  • Main entrances, automatic doors, and accessible routes to HAMK facilities.
  • HAMK has a visitor wheelchair available. It can be borrowed from the Campus Services Attendants. (PROCUREMENT, information)
  • Lecture halls, other facilities, and service points equipped with an induction loop and accessible by wheelchair
  • Accessible campus restaurants
  • Accessible gyms and changing rooms
  • Accessible student association’s facilities
  • Accessible toilets
  • Lifts for moving between floors.

As to the aforementioned sites, HAMK aims to enable equal study and working opportunities and operational environments for all students and staff of HAMK and HAMI.

Efforts will be made to remedy existing shortcomings as soon as possible, especially in buildings where the goal is a high level of accessibility. An accessibility survey has been conducted on these accessible buildings and their accessible spaces have been described.

In new construction, extensive renovations, and major facility change projects, the desired level of accessibility is taken into account already in the design phase. If the renovation or change of purpose is an extensive one, it is expedient to improve the accessibility of the entire building. The smaller the group using the building, the greater the importance of economic considerations. Taking into account the features of the building and the nature and extent of the action, it may be expedient to improve some parts of the building accessibility and leave some parts as they are.


  • 2022 autumn, survey
  • 2023 spring, the current state of accessibility will be published
  • 2023 autumn, work to improve accessibility will begin by fixing the most significant shortcomings
  • 2024-> systematic improvement of accessibility to achieve the target level by prioritising investment and operational projects

Monitoring and evaluation

For monitoring and evaluation purposes, an annual review will be carried out in each area to ensure compliance with these criteria and/or to coordinate the necessary corrective actions to achieve compliance.

An overview of the guidelines, training, tools, and procedures followed in HAMK’s construction is available in the Ministry of the Environment guidelines on building accessibility (in Finnish).


The Director or representative of the Facilities management and services ensures that the personnel responsible for procurement, programmes, and services have sufficient technical knowledge related to accessibility standards.

The Director of Facilities management and services is a member of HAMK accessibility steering group to match the physical accessibility initiatives concerning Facilities management and services with wider anti-discrimination measures.

The person responsible for accessibility resources is involved in ensuring that the accessibility perspective and accessibility problems are addressed in connection with construction projects and initiatives concerning the whole Häme University of Applied Sciences.

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