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Green building blocks for built environment

The seminar on February 8th will be in English, focusing on circular economy and hybrid materials. The seminar will be entirely remote.

1st seminar day event page can be found here.

8.2.2024 Program

10:00-10:05 Opening speech, Jarmo Havula, HAMK​

Theme: Re-use of steel​
10:05-10:25 Development of the European Recommendations for Reuse of Steel Structures, Petr Hradil, VTT​
10:25-10:45 Fossil free steel, Juha Tuomisto, SSAB Europe​
10:45-11:05 System-level design of steel structures based on advanced analysis, Kristo Mela, Tampere University​
11:05-11:25 Challenges and opportunities for the emerging steel-timber composite structures towards circularity and recent research activities on steel construction at UHasselt, Jose Henriques, HASSELT University


Theme: Climate and environment, circularity​
11:40-12:00 Ilmara – Climate change and built environment, Päivi Laaksonen / Pasi Käkelä, HAMK​
12:00-12:20 Digipurku – Future way to demolish buildings, Mikko Raika, Metropolia​
12:20-12:40 Co-Carbon, Outi Tahvonen, HAMK Bio​

12:40-13:20 Lunch

Theme: Hybrid materials and techniques​​
13:20-13:40 Adhesives and coatings from the lignin side stream of biomass, Kalle Lintinen, Lignosphere
13:40-14:00 Upcycling wood industry side streams Energy and Resource efficiently, Kimmo Huttunen, Fiberwood
14:00-14:20 (Topic title tba), Juha Koivisto, Cirpa


Theme: Timber​
14:30-14:50 Hybrid frame construction – How to combine materials for the optimal outcome? Simo Hakkarainen, Peikko Group
14:50-15:10 Hybrid solutions in Mass Timber and Modern Method of Construction, Stefano Muscoloni, Rothoblaas
15:10-15:30 (Topic title tba)

15:30-15:40 Closing speech, Tiina Vuorio, HAMK

Changes may be done to the program before the event.

The event is held remotely on Zoom. The remote participation link will be shared upon registration.

Some screenshots or photographs may be taken in the event. Please take a look at our privacy notice for events here.